.. foobert documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 5 14:00:40 2013. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to pyvhist's documentation! =================================== Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 doc/first-steps doc/tutorial doc/api-reference doc/examples Introduction ============ Welcome to the documentation of the **pyvhist** module of **VHIST**. VHIST is a file format, as well as a set of tools to document workflows. VHIST files are compatible to PDF, which means that you can open and inspect a VHIST file with any PDF viewer. All information stored in a VHIST file can also be accessed programmatically without any knowledge of how PDF works. We provide GUI tools, commandline tools as well as programming packages for miscellaneous programming languages to create and inspect VHIST files as well as to extract embedded information and files from VHIST files. Pyvhist is a Python package, which you can use to create VHIST files to document what your Python program does. **Info:** pyvhist is for creation of VHIST files, only. We will release a Python package to inspect VHIST files in the near future. .. Uncomment once pyeval is released. .. If you want to inspect an existing VHIST file, have a look at *pyeval*. The section :ref:`first-steps` shows how to download and install pyvhist as well as a few minor examples to get you started with pyvhist. The :ref:`tutorial` contains a more elaborate explanation on how pyvhist works. The :ref:`api-reference` documents all classes and methods, which are part of pyvhist. You can use this section as a reference while writing Python programs with pyvhist. :ref:`examples` contains a series of examples and recipes which show you how to achieve certain functionalities using pyvhist. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`