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Finding VHIST Files

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vhistzard contains a tool for searching a directory for VHIST files matching some requirements pattern. These requisitions can be as simple as

The VHIST file must contain the word Co-Registration

and as complex as

The VHIST file must contain a workflowstep with the title
Co-Registration, as well as two files with filenames
matchin the patterns patient_*.img and patient_*.img.hdr.
The first file should be larger than 1.5MB and both files
must be part of the workflowstep. Moreover, the workflowstep
must be newer than 2010-05-06.

The prerequisites are described in the form of a simple query language, which is explained in the following sections.

Example Queries

To begin with, we will discuss a few example queries to understand the syntax of the queries.

The query


searches for all VHIST files, which contain the word "Co-Registration" somewhere. If you want to search for VHIST files, which contain both, the word "Co-Registration" as well as the word "Filtering", simply type

Co-Registration Filtering

You can also write

Co-Registration && Filtering

instead. If only one of the two terms must appear in the VHIST file to match the requirements, the sign || can be used:

Co-Registration || Filtering

To search for a term which contain multiple words, place the words within single or double quotes.

"Filtered Image" 'Filter Method'

will search for VHIST files, which contain the phrases "Filtered Image" and "Filter Method".

Sometimes, you want to query the values of specific attributes inside a workflowstep or file within the VHIST file. For example, you may want to find all VHIST files containing a section with the title "Learn Parameters". This prerequisite can be described with the following query:

:title == "Learn Parameters"

Several requirements of this nature can be combined with ||, && as mentioned before. The && sign can be omitted.

:title == "Learn Parameters" && :filename == parameters.txt

This query searches for VHIST files which contain a workflowstep with the title "Learn Parameters" as well as a file with the name parameters.txt. If several properties should be true for the same section or file, you can place a variable name in front of the colon:

x:title == "Learn Parameters" x:comment == "Method X was used"

This query will find all VHIST files which contain a workflowstep with the title "Learn Parameters" and the comment "Method X was used".

There are several ways to compare the value of a property with some other value. The operator %contains tests if a property contains a given string, whereas the operators < and > can be used to compare numbers, filesizes and dates:

x:title %contains Evaluation && x:timestamp > 2010-03-13 && y:filename == results.txt && y:filesize < 2mb

In fact, the first query described in this section is just a shorter, more convenient form for

:any %contains Co-Registration

A detailed description of all properties and comparisson operators can be found in the following sections.


This section describes the syntax of vhistzard find queries.


A variable is a placeholder for one workflowstep or file within a VHIST file. You can use a variable to access and compare all attributes of a file or workflowstep in the VHIST file. A variable name can contain any character from the latin alphabet. Valid variable names are x, foo or SomeVariableName, but not @xyz, file12 or äöü. A query can contain any number of variables. It is important to note that two variables in one query will never refer to the same workflowstep or file. This means that the query x:title = 'foo' && y:title = 'foo' requires a VHIST file to contain two distinct workflowsteps, both having the title 'foo'. Also keep in mind that variable names are case insensitive, so abc, ABC and aBc all denote the same variable.


Variables are always used in combination with an attribute which will specify the property of the file or workflowstep you want to query. Variable and attribute are joined by a colon (:). Attributes can contain the same characters allowed in variables as well as numbers. Valid variable/attribute pairs are x:title, foo:embedded or vAr:AtTrIbUt123. Like variables, attributes are case insensitive.

  • Pre-defined Attributes

    There is a list of pre-defined attributes for both workflowsteps and files. The second column of the following tables denote the datatypes of the attributes. A description of these types can be found at Datatypes.

    Name Datatype Description
    tagid number A unique id for the workflowstep
    vhistrootfile string The name of the VHIST root file
    timestamp string The date when the workflowstep was appended to the VHIST file
    title string The title of the workflowstep
    description string The description of the workflowstep
    comment string The comment of the workflowstep
    command string The commandline command used during workflowstep
    tool string The tool used during the workflowstep
    toolpath string The path to the tool used
    host string The name of the machine on which the workflowstep was performed
    user string The name of the user who performed the workflowstep
    creator string The tool which created the VHIST workflowstep
    iswfs boolean Always true
    isfile boolean Always false
    userattrs string A newline-separated list of all user attribute keys
    any string Contains the values of all non-boolean attributes. Can be used in combination with %contains
    Name Datatype Description
    tagid number A unique id for the file
    filename string The name of the file without the path
    filepath string The path of the file
    filetype string The type of the file
    description string The description of the file
    comment string A comment about the file
    lastmodified string The date when the file was last modified
    embedded boolean true if the file has been embedded in the VHIST file
    compressed boolean true if the file has been embedded in compressed form
    filepurpose string Either Infile or Outfile
    filesize number The size of the original file
    cfilesize number The size of the file after compression
    md5 string The md5 sum of the original file
    cmd5 string The md5 sum of the compressed file
    iswfs boolean Always false
    isfile boolean Always true
    parentid number The tagid of the workflowstep containing this file
    userattrs string A newline-separated list of all user attributes
    any string Contains the values of all non-boolean attributes. Can be used in combination with %contains
  • User-defined Attributes

    Next to the pre-defined attributes, users can define their own attributes when creating VHIST files. User defined attributes can be accessed within a vhistfile expression by prefixing them with user:. Examples of user-defined attributes might be x:user:kernelsize or y:user:parameter1. If a user defined attribute contains spaces or special characters, you must use the slightly more complicated syntax x:user{filter method}. All user-defined attributes are handled as strings. However, vhistfind allows you to use number and date comparisson operators as well. Keep in mind, that these operations may fail if your user-defined attribute's value can not be converted to a number/date.


vhistfind expressions support three different kinds of datatypes: strings, numbers and booleans.

  • Strings can contain any kind of text. Most attributes are represented by strings. If a string is used within a predicate which expects numbers or dates, the string will be automatically converted into the appropriate datatype. If the conversion fails, the predicate will fail as well.
  • Numbers represent integers or real numbers. Numbers are a special subset of strings, therefore all string predicates can be used with numbers. Additionally, numbers can be compared using <, <=, >, >= as well as a fuzzy comparisson for real numbers. Numbers support the three postfixes kb, mb and gb, which are useful when comparing filesizes, e.g. x:filesize < 10mb.
  • Dates refer to a point in time and can be used to compare timestamps. A date either has the form 2010-03-14, which refers to the 14th of March in 2010, or may also contain a specific time, like "2010-03-14 20:34:00". Keep in mind that a date with a time must be quoted, otherwise, the date will be split at the space character into two strings. Dates can be compared to other dates using the operators <, <=, > and >=. Note that the date 2010-03-14 is equivalent to "2010-03-14 00:00:00". This means, that the comparisson 2010-03-14 < "2010-03-14 00:00:01" yields true as a result.
  • Booleans contain one of the two values true or false. Booleans are returned by all predicates and used as input for boolean connectives. Booleans can not be converted into strings and vice versa. If you want to turn a string into a boolean, use an expression like this: x:user:normalized = true or x:user:normalized = 1, depending on the value you assigned to the attribute normalized.

Predicates and Connectives

  • Both, the equality operator (=) as well as the *inequality operator* (!) are used to test two string values for equality or inequality.
    x:title == "my workflowstep"
  • The ordering predicates <, <=, > and >= can be used to compare numbers or dates.
    x:filesize <= 10mb, x:user:kernelsize > 5, y:timestamp < 2010-03-04.
  • %isapprox can be used to test if two real numbers are approximately equal. Note that comparing two numbers with = will perform a string comparisson. Therefore 1.2 = 1.200 will return false, whereas 1.2 %isapprox 1.200 will return true
    x:user:pi %isapprox 3.1415
  • %contains tests if a string contains another string.
    x:userAttrs %contains "filtertype"
  • %matches tests if a string matches a wildcard pattern.
    x:filename %matches *.txt
  • Connectives and (&&) and or (||) can be used to check if all or any subexpression evaluates to true.
    x:filename == "foo" && x:comment != ""
    x:filename == "logfile.txt" || x:filename == "logfile.log"
  • The negation operator not (!) negates the value of a boolean value.
(C) 2005-2013 Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research Cologne, Germany