../common/images/vh_36.pngVHIST 1.84.0
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vhistxl is a commandline tool for inspection and validation of existing VHIST files. Moreover it can extract embedded files from a VHIST file. In particular, the List Embedded Files options can be useful: consider it similiar to the same functionality of the UNIX tar command.


vhistxl.py [Options] <vhistfile>
Built-in Help (vhistxl) -h or –help
Get Version Information -V or –version
List Embedded Files -t or –list
Validate Sections -v or –validate
Extract All Files -x or –extract
Extract One File -f <fileid> or –extract-file <fileid>
Pretend Mode -p or –pretend
Specify Extraction Directory -d <dir> or –dir <dir>

Built-in Help

-h or –help
gives a brief description of all options.

Get Version

-V or –version
will print out vhistxl's version information and exit.

List Embedded Files

-t or –list <vhistfile>
will only list all embedded files and not extract any data.

Validate Sections

-v or –validate
will validate sections.

Extract All Files

-x or –extract
will extract all files to disk (implies List Embedded Files).

Extract One File

-f <fileid> or –extract-file <fileid>
will extract the file with the id <fileid>.

Use List Embedded Files to find the correct <fileid> of a particular file.

Pretend Mode

-p or –pretend
will only decompress and test MD5 checkums [1] of embedded files, but not
write anything to disk.

Specify Extraction Directory

-d <dir> or –dir <dir>
will extract files to directory <dir>.



R. Rivest, The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, RFC 1321.

(C) 2005-2013 Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research Cologne, Germany